Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What comes to an end is only their Beginning

Why must this school year end to the class of 2012! We have grown as a warm family in our giant Crimson home and yet, life keeps going on. Our seniors of this school remind me of the big brothers and sisters who share winning goals of sports seasons, share laughs throughout the halls, and share friendships to all people. They are the ones who complete our puzzle and without them, we feel so empty. But alas! A bird must fly in order to succeed, and a bird must soar farther in order to achieve. They have to leave someday, they all have a dream to chase, but they can't do it unless they leave the nest, the nest of JDHS. So when the time comes, we celebrate history in the making, the making of the four years they stand to represent our school, and we stand to applaud for their work, we clap as they stand in their graduation gown and presented with their diploma. So lets celebrate, and go ahead seniors, throw your caps up high, and soar far, chase your dream, and represent for the class of 2012!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

8 Flavahz all the way! Vote Vote Vote for them til the end!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Oh yeah America's Best dance crew! Season 7, which will air in a few months. Vote for you fave crew, and vote for them every time, not just during one episode.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Transparent Eyeball Poem

Earthly tones to a beige contrast, and a view of the world yet we are indoors. I see it now, two universes stare at each other between glass. Right now, I hear nothing but the stroking lead.

Ugh...light, blur, and a roar sounding by day, but what more, my arm shakes, my back burns, but I still went on this damn poem. I wish my creativity could go as far as the mountain tops.

What drapes my skin from light that keep me warm? Oh right! The totem pole of faces that shrouds my soul to distract of my life at the moment. Man i hate these ugly heads!

Nature with tiles? A river above my head? And a bear that poses for my my liking? What a world this would be (if you could imagine it as real life).

To my conclusion, I stare focused with a pen, and the world zones out when I finish with a concluding sentence told by the voice, "finish with a bang."

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

Hey I just wanted to remind myself that the upcoming movie, The Hunger Games, will hit theaters on March 23. Now if you haven't read the book yet, well, then you're missing out (personally I wanted to slap you but what good will that do but leave a red mark on your cheek). Anyway I'm just psyched to see it (and I hope it doesn't ruin the plot in the book).

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Challenge #1 Tone

-Corrode--A Sequel to Seduction-

The word sleep was vague and described little to the city of New York, yet the streets conveyed silent whispers in the dead of night. But what if the line "the city that never sleeps" could change over time? I learned that a new drug is being distributed in the city. Known simply as corrosion. This drug unleashes a cannibalistic demon, almost vampiric, that destroys any sense of self-control. Widespread use of this viral drug could bring chaos to New York and turn the city into a bloodbath, but even as I race to contain it, I'm consumed and distracted by my own growing passion and uncontrollable greed to eat away my victims. So what if the line "the city that never sleeps" change over time? The answer relies on my decision to let demons loose, or tame their madness.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dare to be Different

Dare to be different; life is so full
Of people who follow the same push-and-pull
Poor, plodding people who, other than name
Try to pretend they're exactly the same

God made men different; there never will be
A replica soul made of you or me
The charm...the glory of all creation
Rests on this very deviation

Your charm...your own glory, too
Lies in being uniquely you...
Lies in being true to your best
That part of you different from all of the rest.