Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rite a Riff

The idea behind my fast-write, Another Earth, was to see what it would be like where one was to encounter one's own self. 

It was a phenomenon to have witnessed an unbelievable event. What my eyes stare now is something humans would have only imagined, but such an imagination just turned into a reality that I have witnessed at this moment.

Beyond the blue sky, passed the clouds that drifted at a distance, is a beautiful planet. A planet of blue, of life and personality. This planet is another Earth, like a mirrored image of what we lived in for millions of years. It has the exact same continents, the North and South Poles, the large African land below the European countries. There I see the ocean embracing its natural blue glow to the spherical world.

But what if there lives another us in this new world -- a better version of ourselves that could think better, grow stronger, and develop skills we haven't learned until the next few years. Our two worlds see us alike, but behind that, we were probably never the same.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” — Marcel Proust

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog Reviews

For my Creative Writing assignment, I did my own short reviews of three of my classmates' blogs.

"Fear the Unknown" has a great sense of creativity and follows a contemporary theme of his/her blog with the use of adding popular musicians to bring in the young audience's style. (Be Young and Wild and Free).

"Carpe Diem" is another blog that is Latin for Seize the Day (which is like how I named my blog in a Latin form). This blogger created a reasonable statement "live life to the fullest" but in a way that you don't need to do too much in your spare time to embrace life and can live it in the comforts of your own home. I like that. Also the background matches his/her theme (chill out).

"Recommend a Dream" is yet another blog that I have reviewed. Even though there hasn't been any posts up lately, I still love the title and how his/her theme relates to it. I definitely recommend a dream to you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Vampires & Angels

-A Vampire-

It was beauty
It was all of Nature's glory in one form
But then, suddenly,
I realized that it was all wrong
This was darkness, not light
And this form murdered innocents
This thing melded with the night.
Towards death this form hints
A vampire.
Could I trust something so wrong?
I tried to do my best
I had not loved for so very long
You know all of the rest
This form is not as they say
It is vulnerable and it is weak
For its undeath it will always pay
For redemption it's cursed to seek
A vampire.

That is why it protects me.
That is why it cares
It took long for me to see
Past the clothes he always wears
But the passion I found there
Is something you would not believe
To see its real self is rare
Because to humans it will always be
A vampire.

-An Angel Sent-

An Angel can come from below,
As easily as from above
They can bless you in starlight,
Or tease you with midnight
All in the shadows and splenders of love.

They can fly you to the stars,
Where your name is engraved
Paths of mercy peace,
And floating clouds of soft fleece
But within the arms of your angel, you are already saved.

Beautiful butterfly wings,
Yet the shadow of a wraith
A shining halo of gold
For which your mortal soul sold
Blessed with charm and content and forevermore faith.

An Angel of darkness that could be true
Still forever undying, forever for you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The 108th Sheep


"Journal Entry: what if the world had an extra layer of reality. Another world with which the impossible is possible. Where myths became facts, and dreams into reality. After counting sheep, what if the 108th sheep took me into unconciousness and transported me to a world with no limits"

--This moment capturing, fantasy story goes into depth about an imaginative young storywriter who vanishes from reality and finds himself in an extraordinary limitless world.--

The story is of a small town high school graduate name North St. Vincent who looks forward into the writing major of Vancouver University. His inspirations of becoming an author led him to create an original story of what it would be like living in another layer of reality.

Late one night, a fight had occurred between North's good friend, Leo, and a group of collegues in a local bar. The fight had North's perspective on his delinquent friend change when he was wounded from a raging assault. So to further safety, North had to drive him home before authorities drive him to prison. Two years at jouvenile court was enough to keep Leo's settlement at peace, but a straight forward ride home wasn't easy when he couldn't let go of his anger.

Leo was the kind of friend with jouvenile records for his delinquency and crime, but despite his bad reputation, he had a soft spot for St. Vincent, who was the first to open up and change Leo's life. Even so, his mischievous credits kept other delinquents aloof, but as his reputation faded into the light, his peaceful dispostion became a major weak spot for his friends at juvie.

Two weeks later, live reports at midnight had been unveiling the crisis of a murderous onslaught led by one solitary young man with a gun. As an obvious clue to whom the homicide might of been, North drove off to find Leo, who eventually fled from the crime seen he committed.

After catching up to Leo, he found himself far through the woods overlooking a cliff to the sea and his friend standing on the edge, pointing a pistol straight to the head. The tragedy of seeing his friend alter back to the insane criminal he once was not only was a choice in fate, but a broken promise, and he was going to end his chapter right there. Through disappointment and concern, North defended Leo against his final destination, only to find the mistake of taking Leo's fate and ending his own life in front of him. The event changed Leo's life completely, and his regrets for the actions he made will only scar him for life and nothing can bring back the closest friend he had.

After waking up from a deep slumber, North St. Vincent found his light, which took him to another layer of reality. A reality he describes as no other. People knew he was dead, but to him, he became alive. Throughout his untangled life, North will continue the makings of his story while watching over the ones he loved. To fulfill his dream, St. Vincent is at the beginning of his greatest novel, the 108th Moth.

-This overview of my story is more of a rough draft and there are some things to tighten up and revise. So I got my ideas through my favorite movie, The Lovely Bones, only that this has a more darker tone set to my story.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Thorn Beneath Its Petals

Darkness overwhelms the streets of Manhattan. The cold dead silence filling the atmosphere around me with the eerie whistling breeze flowing through city alleys and only the faded echoes of engines roaring as vehicles drive away for the night. I look up to see the full moon shining through the dark clouds that screens over its mesmerizing moolit eyes as I make it passed the empty streets to my apartment. It is only during this time of the day have my insane thirst for blood kick in and I go berserk for any unlucky prey wondering the night.
I close my eyes and listen to my senses, relishing the opportunity to indulge. In my mind, I sensed rather than saw the streets around me. Nothing but darkness filled with the occasional red throbbing of the human heart. Probing further into the darkness I found the human's presence easily. She stood in an alleyway nearby, her pulse calling to me. Loud and Strong. Hunger coursed through my body at the thought of confronting my human victim. I knew I had to calm down or the lady will see how blacked-out and vile my eyes appear. I took a couple of steps, embracing my stealthy stride. Masking my hunger, I walked into the alley as if I knew the place well. I pursued my victim carefully, only to find her looking straight at me and turning around afterwards. Her steady stride advanced to a quick pace, but I grabbed her shoulder and held to a stop. She turned around hastily, nit knowing who paused her.
"Excuse me, might I ask why you're standing here in the middle of the night?" I asked, holding a respectful tone.
She did not respond to my question right away, but underneath the tinted moonlight I was able to capture most of her figure. She was about a foot shorter than I am with a slim body under her wool trench coat. The glow of the sky was enough to expose a hue of her hair color; short platinum-blond, and her eyes match the moonlight glare. She seems to be in her early twenties. I find myself attracted to her, not really, but the warm aroma on her neck drew me in straight away. I found myself wandering over to her, entranced. Her blood would taste like heaven. My eyes narrowed downward, stilling her with one look. Her heartbeat slowed as my gaze turned darkly seductive. My tongue snaked to its own accord, curling upward to moisten my upper lip. I inched closer, drawn by an unseen force. I felt like a predator, an incubus, powerful and handsome. I curved myself against her, her eyes widen to the contact.
I moved as close to her neck as I dared, right at the edge and prepared to jump. The lady smelled so good that my mouth watered again. Her pulse was strong as if she was running for her life from a vampire. I had an insane urge to weigh down on her, but she stepped back thanks to the warning signals going off in her mind.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here," the woman said in a haste.
She turned around once again and started to part, but the instant she took her first step out of the dreadful alley, I grabbed hold of her, this time on her left arm. My hunger was too overpowering, like an untamed animal. I couldn't help but quench my addiction. I dragged her body to where I was able to pin her back against the brick wall, and she never finished a scream before my fangs sunk deep into her neck.